PEG V 200.02 meets PEG "Ürdinger"

The PEG is s the largest of the new railway companys in the federal state of Brandeburg.
As one of their first railcars have been used "Ürdinger Schienenbusse" from the former DB (Deutsche Bundesbahn). During the modernisation of this railcars they changed the fuel from normal diesel to vegtable oil - this reduces costs and air pollution. Some of the other "Ürdinger" have a different design, that is not commercially available as a model at the moment.
In the meantime the PEG has a lot of new entries of new railcars and maybe the days of the old "Ürdinger" are gone.
On the picture you can see the eastern part of my station, where the "Ürdinger" meets the PEG-Taigatrommel.

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